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About Us

About Alpha & Omega Healthcare Management Consulting

  • We are a full-service contractor providing broad spectrum of quality healthcare management services to International, Federal, State, Local Government agencies/organizations, Insurance Companies, Pharmaceuticals, Hospitals, Physician Offices, Dentists, Pharmacies, Academia and Non-Profit sector clients


  • From drafting, reviewing, editing medical/scientific documents to development and implementation of new projects, our consultant and experts are dedicated to working with you to                                implement a healthcare solution that meets your needs


  • We bring the Science and Arts of healthcare management, the best of both worlds in one place.


  • Alpha & Omega Healthcare Managemen Consulting is registered with Essex County (June 8, 2009), the State of New Jersey, Division of Revenue (certificate number:1494952, on June 22, 2009) and as

        an LLC (Dr.Tripthi Mary Mathew, L.L.C; filing number:600376712, August

        4, 2011). It was certified as a Small Business Enterprise (SBE), 

        certificate number: 60609-13 by the State of New Jersey.


  • The company is also registered globally with Dun and Bradstreet (DUNS number) and the U.S Federal Government in the Central

        Contractor Registry (CCR) and certified by Online Representation and              Certification Application (ORCA).



The word Alpha and Omega is from Greek, which means the beginning and the end. According to the Wikipedia dictionary, Alpha is the first alphabet in the Greek language and Omega is the last. In the Christian religion, the Alpha and Omega refers to God and Jesus.
The Book of Revelation states the following:
Revelation 1:8 (New King James Version)
8 "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End," says the Lord, "who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty."
In other religions like Hinduism (the word Ohm/Om), Judaism (72 names of God, Ana Bekoach Prayer), Islam etc. similar names of God.
No religious leader has performed so many healing miracles other than Jesus who is the greatest Physician and Healer. To read about his healing ministry, please click on the links below:

Hence, the appropriateness of the name Alpha and Omega for our company, God Almighty the healer that can bring the healing/solutions that is needed so badly in the healthcare industry today.

                                       About Dr. Tripthi M. Mathew

Dr. Tripthi M. Mathew

Dr. Tripthi M. Mathew- The Founder, President, CEO and
Sr. Medical Director of the company has over 10 years of
service in the healthcare industry, including public,
private, academia and non-profit sectors.


Attended/Degrees Received:


  • 1 year Russian Language &

       Medical School Prep/"Padfak" Certificate: Tbilisi
       State University, Tbilisi, Georgia (Class of 1988)


  • MD- Vitebsk State Medical University, Belarus (Class of 1994)

      Research: Dynamic Health Conditions of the     

      Population of Belarus


  • MPH- Drexel University, Pennsylvania, USA (Class of 2000)
    Thesis: Factors that Influence
    the Occurrence of Pertussis


  • MBA- University of Warwick, UK
    (Class of 2009)
    Thesis: The MBA: What's the


  • PhD in Business Management
    with Distinction- Ashwood
    University, Texas, USA (Class of
    Thesis: Global Management of
    Healthcare Systems: One-World-




  • Board Certified in Aerospace Medicine, Clinical Informatics, General Preventive Medicine & Public Health by the International Board of Medicine & Surgery (IBMS*) since 2014.  *IBMS is recognized by the Indian Medical Association (since 2012) and World Health Organization (since 2021).


  • Nominated to the Global Advisory Board of the
    American Academy of Project Management (since 2009); the Editorial Advisory Committee of the

       Nation's Health- American Public Health Association

        New's Paper (2009-2011), and a member of the 

        Harvard Business Review Advisory Council (since



Registrations, Certifications & Licenses:


  • International Medical License, International Board of Medicine & Surgery​, USA (Expiry Aug 14, 2024)


  • Permanent Registration
    Physician (General Medicine)

       Ministry of Health, Belarus

  • Insurance Agent License:

       State of New Jersey (renewed until August 31, 


       State of Indiana (renewed until August 31, 2025)

       State of South Carolina (renewed until August 31,



  • Pharmacy Technician License: 

        State of Illinois (until March 31, 2025)

        State of Indiana (until June 30, 2026)

        State of New Jersey (until August 31, 2026)


 *   National Healthcare Association (NHA) Certification



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